
International Women’s Day: Increased awareness on the topic of financial independence

  • 8 out of 10 women want to be financially independent
  • Increased awareness on the topic of financial independence
  • Every second couple keeps separate accounts
  • Controversial subject money: Fixed costs and contribution to household income point of contention

Almost half of the Austrians living in a relationship manage their finances jointly. They discuss financial matters and decide on them together (67 percent). Nevertheless, this harmony is deceiving because every other couple argues about money. One reason for that, especially for women, is the financial dependence on the partner. 6 out of 10 Austrian women said that in their relationship it is the man who is the main earner and that makes them dependent on the partner, financially speaking. 7 out of 10 of these women moreover said that they would not be able to maintain their current standard of living on their own. Another problem in this respect is that they neglect to make financial provisions for themselves, which would be very important, though.